Gemstone Inclusions

A gemstone inclusions are crystal, gas or liquid particles or fractures that is trapped inside of another mineral. The gemstone inclusions grow inside of the gemstone over time.

Biotite mica and liquid feather inclusion in mauve coloured sapphire from Mogok.
60X. Oblique illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Twinning planes and negative crystals in white sapphire from Mogok.
50X. Dark fieldillumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Three sets of rutile needles showing interference colour in purple sapphire from Mogok.
50X. Oblique illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Solid crystal and three sets of short rutile needles in pink sapphire from Mogok.
50X. Oblique and dark field illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Rutile needles and small flake particles in sapphire from Mogok.
50X. Oblique illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Rutile inclusion in sapphire from Mogok.
40X. Oblique illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Minute rutile particles like zoning in pink sapphire from Mogok.
50X. Oblique illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Minute fluid two phase inclusion in topaz from Mogok.
40X. Dark field illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Liquid feather in sapphire from Mogok.
50X. Dark field illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Curved growth lines and healing fissures by quenched method in flux synthetic ruby.
70X. Oblique illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Biotite mica and liquid feather inclusion in mauve coloured sapphire from Mogok.
60X dark field

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Biotite mica and finger print feather in mauve coloured sapphire from Mogok.
60X. Oblique illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Biotite mica and finger print feather in mauve coloured sapphire from Mogok.
60X fiber optic

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Two phase inclusion in quartz
dark field illumination 40X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Two phase in yellow sapphire from Mogok
dark field illumination and oblique illumination 40X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Solid crystal with needle in quartz
dark field illumination 40X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Liquid feather in Quartz 40X
dark field illumination

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Hollow tube inclusion like a tree in danburite
dark field illumination 35X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Hollow tube in Danburite
dark field illumination 25X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Garnet crystal in Topaz from Mogok
dark field illumination and oblique illumination 50X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Fibrous needles in Aquamarine
dark field illumination 40X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Fibrous and liquid feather Inclusion in Topaz from Mogok
fluorescence light illumination 20X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Curved negative tubes inclusion in white fluorite from Sakhan Gyi Mogok
dark field illumination 30X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Biotite mica flakes in green sapphire from Mogok
dark field illumination 50X

Photo : Sai & Miwai , SGI

Lazurite inclusion in Mogyok Ruby from Myanmar (transmitted light and oblique illumination).
Photomicrograph by Kyaw Thu: Field of view 0.25 mm

Published in the issue of Gems & Gemology:

Actinolite Needles Inclusion in Zambia emerald has been examined by Raman micro spectrometry.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 40 X.

Photo: Sai Khay, SGI.

Apatite crystal in ruby from Myanmar (Mogok) by the analysis of Raman micro spectrometry.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 40 X.

Photo: Htun, SGI

Solid Inclusion with disc-like thermal expansion in heat-treated ruby from Myanmar (Mogok).
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 30 X.

Photo: Sai Khay, SGI

Solid inclusion of apatite crystal cluster in ruby from Myanmar (Mogok), identified by Raman micro spectrometry.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 50 X.

Photo: Miwai & Htun, SGI

Solid inclusion of calcite in natural ruby from Mogok, identified by Raman micro spectrometry.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 40 X.

Photo: Htun, SGI

Biotite mica flakes in emerald from Zambia.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 30 X.

Photo: Sai Khay, SGI

Lily pads inclusions in peridot from China.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 30 X.

Photo: Sai Khay, SGI

Botryoidal apatite with graphite spot termed as “Belly-button” in purplish pink spinel from Mogok using Raman micro spectrometry.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 40 X.

Photo: Sai Khay, SGI

Euhedral six-sided single crystal “apatite” was identified by using Raman micro spectrometry.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 30 X.

Photo: Sai Khay, SGI

Solid inclusions of magnesite mineral (MgCO3) in red spinel from Myanmar (Mogok) by the analysis of Raman micro spectrometry.
Transmitted light and oblique illumination 40 X.

Photo: Sai Khay, SGI

Micro-Characteristics of spinel from Mogok